Organization of the IGZ
Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops(IGZ)
The Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) has the legal form of a registered association. As such it has an IGZ Executive Board and a General Assembly. The Executive Board manages the current business of the institute and is composed of the Scientific Director, the Head of Administration and the two deputy directors. The General Assembly of the IGZ determines the principles of the association’s activities and supervises the Board. It consists of representatives of the Federal Government, the State of Brandenburg, various research institutions, scientific societies and horticultural associations.
The Science Advisory Board advises the IGZ Executive Board and the General Assembly of the Institute in all important questions of its research work. It is composed of representatives of international university and non-university research institutions.
The research work of the IGZ takes place in Programme areas (departments) and Research groups (working groups).
Other important functions to protect the rights of all employees are the works council and the equal opportunities officer.
Programme Areas and research themes
IGZ conducts its research, policy advice and training in four key research themes (Programme Areas).

Plant Adaptation

Biotic Interactions

Plant Quality and Food Security
Next-Generation Horticultural Systems
In addition, IGZ researchers are supported by experts from the Science Support Platform.