Chemical Analytics and Metabolomics Expert Dr Paula Bueno

Short portraits on International Women's Day

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Dr Paula Bueno works as a scientist at IGZ, investigating adaptation mechanisms in resilient plants and conducting microchemical evaluations in plant species, algae and micoorganisms in the Programme Area “Biotic Interactions”. As part of the Science Support Platform of the IGZ, she oversees the chemical-analytical infrastructure and assists employees and students in metabolomics analysis.

After completing her studies in pharmaceutical sciences at the University of São Paulo, she carried on her Ph.D. in Chemistry at the São Paulo State University and specialized in organic chemistry, plant metabolomics, plant ecophysiology, and natural products.

Following her postdoctoral tenure in Brazil and at the Institute of Biology of the University of Leiden, Netherlands, Dr Paula Bueno came to Germany in 2019. As a guest researcher at the Max-Planck Institute of Plant Physiology in Potsdam, she worked on the integrated “omics” analysis of soybean under water stress. Concurrently, she was a visiting researcher and professor at the Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil, before joining the IGZ in 2023.

Dr Paula Bueno is an awardee of the SciFinder Future Leaders in Chemistry conferred by the American Chemical Society (2015), and contributed for the launching of the International Younger Chemists Network. She is a co-founder and the first coordinator of the Brazilian Young Researchers Committee of the Brazilian Chemical Society. Since 2021, has been actively involved in the APOENA network supported by the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin, which connects Brazilian scientists in Germany, fostering exchange and collaboration between Brazil and Germany in science, technology, and innovation.

In our short interview on the occasion of this year's International Women's Day, we asked the expert in chemical analytics about the qualities she believes young female researchers should possess.

International Women's Day
International Women's Day on 8 March has a long history as a symbol for the fight for women's rights. For more than a century, this day has been used to highlight injustices, demand equality and celebrate the achievements of women. It plays a central role in raising awareness of gender-specific challenges and promoting women in all areas of life. In the context of research at IGZ, International Women's Day emphasises the role of female scientists who enrich the landscape of plant and horticultural science with their commitment and expertise.

This video is part of a short portrait series that was launched this year: