Dr Paula Carolina Pires Bueno


Programm areas BIOTIC SSP Research group BIOTIC 2

I am a scientist working in the field of natural products and plant metabolomics, deeply interested in contributing to food security and biodiversity protection, which are two of the major challenges of the modern world. For that, I deal with state-of-the-art omics strategies for the study of primary and secondary metabolites, addressing studies on ecological interactions in nature, plant sciences, agriculture, environment, and human-health. As a scientist at IGZ, I am also part of the Chemical-Analytical Infrastructure, supporting the institute with my expertise related to the use of chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).


Nowadays, my main projects are related to the characterization and study of the adaptation mechanisms of more resilient crops, as well as the micro-chemical valuation of plant species (crops or wild plants from tropical hotspots) that are important to society, economy, health, and nutrition.

Ongoing external Projects

