1. Sharma M, Friedrich T, Peruzzo F, Jha V, Pi L, Groot E P, Kornet N, Follo M, Aichinger E, and Laux T (2023). A coherent feedforward-loop in the Arabidopsis root stem cell organizer regulates auxin biosynthesis and columella stem cell maintenance (Research square preprint https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3738114/v1).
2. Sharma M, Sharma M, Jamsheer K M, Laxmi A (2022). A glucose–target of rapamycin signaling axis integrates environmental history of heat stress through maintenance of transcription-associated epigenetic memory in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(20):7083–7102.
3. Agrawal R*, Sharma M*, Dwivedi N, Maji S, Thakur P, Junaid A, Fajkus J, Laxmi A, Thakur JK (2022). Mediator subunit MED17 facilitates crosstalk between MYC2 and PIF4 to regulate thermomorphogenesis. Plant Physiology. 189(4):2259-2280. (*equal first authors).
4. Jamsheer K M*, Jindal S*, Sharma M@, Prakhar Awasthi@ Sivaj S@, Sharma M, Sivaj S, Mannully C, Laxmi A (2022). ‘A negative feedback loop of the TOR signaling balances growth and stress-response trade-offs in plants. Cell Reports. 39(1):110631. (*equal first authors; @equal second authors).
5. Sharma M*, Sharma M*, Jamsheer K M, Laxmi A (2022). Jasmonic Acid coordinates with Light, Glucose and Auxin signalling in Regulating Branching Angle of Arabidopsis Lateral Roots. Plant, Cell & Environment. 45(5):1554-1572. (*equal first authors).
6. Sharma M, Jamsheer K M, Shukla BN, Sharma M, Awasthi P, Mahtha SK, Yadav G, Laxmi A (2021). Arabidopsis Target of Rapamycin Coordinates With Transcriptional and Epigenetic Machinery to Regulate Thermotolerance. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 12:741965.
7. Sharma M, Banday ZZ, Shukla BN, Laxmi A (2019). Glucose-Regulated HLP1 Acts as a Key Molecule in Governing Thermomemory. Plant Physiology. 180(2):1081-1100.
8. Jamsheer K M, Singh D, Sharma M, Sharma M, Jindal S, Mannully CT, Shukla BN, Laxmi A (2019). The FCS-LIKE ZINC FINGER 6 and 10 are involved in regulating osmotic stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behaviour. 14(6):1592535.
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