Date of Birth: 01.05.1973
Nationality: German
Spouse: Katja E. Jaeger
Children: Sophia (2010); Jonas (2012)
- Professor (W3) Plant Adaptation, University of Potsdam and Head of Department, Leibniz IGZ, Grossbeeren (2018-present)
- Research Group Leader (equivalent to Reader), Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University, Apr 2012-March 2019
- Group Leader (awarded tenure 2010) JIC, Norwich, Jan 2005-Mar 2012
- Junior Group Leader, MPI for Dev. Biology (D. Weigel), Tübingen, Dec 2002 Dec 2004
- Postdoctoral Fellow, The Salk Institute (D. Weigel), US, Sep 2000-Dec 2002
- University of Cambridge, MRC-LMB (J. Kilmartin), Ph.D, 1996-2000
- University of Oxford, Master of Biochemistry, Honours First Class, 1992-1996
- Invited to extensive international conferences, including as plenary speaker at International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) 2013, 2015, 2017. Cold Spring Harbor Asia (Japan) 2015 and 2016.
- Contributing Author to Taiz and Zeiger 5th and 6th Editions: “Plant Physiology”
- Kumar and Wigge (2010) featured in: Nature, Nature Chemical Biology, The Scientist, F1000 7th most highly rated paper, all categories. Selected as “Breakthrough of the Year” by Multnational Arabidopsis Steering Committee.
- First Ph.D student awarded the Beddington Medal for the best Ph.D in Developmental biology submitted in the UK in 2008.
- Awarded ERC New Investigator Grant
- Elected onto Faculty of 1000, 2006
- 2005 Paper selected as a “Breakthrough of the Year” (Science)
- Reviewer for: Science, Nature Genetics, Plant Cell, Plant Journal, Current Biology, Developmental Cell, Plant Physiology
- Awarded Wellcome Foundation International Travelling Postdoctoral Fellowship
- EMBO Long term Postdoctoral Travelling Fellowship (declined).
- Trinity College Oxford, President's Prize for Finals results.