Funding for metabolomics research at the IGZ

MWFK funds 200.000 €

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The Ministry of Science, Research and Culture in Brandenburg (MWFK) is supporting the IGZ's research project "Establishing metabolomics in ecology and biodiversity research" with 200.000 euros.

The newly to be established research group "Plants Biotic Interactions" will aim to decipher molecular and chemical mechanisms that control the interactions between plants and their biotic environment. To this end, results from studies of plant genes and the constituents formed in plants are combined with measurements of plant and insect performance. The plant samples needed will be collected from experiments in greenhouses and gardens, as well as from natural and agricultural ecosystems. The ultimate goal is to understand the role of mechanisms in the plant that enhance its performance. These include chemical diversity and plant resistance coping with insect pests. The knowledge gained forms the scientific basis for sustainable crop production and the reduction of pesticide use, one of the main goals of the European Union's "From Farm-to-Fork Strategy".

More information can be found in the press release by MWFK